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"Easy to apply parts ManicTime daily working hours tracking software."
indir.biz Editor: ManicTime automatically collects data about computer use. It is active and away time, and these applications and records how much was used.

Local Storage
Data stored in a database local to your computer ManicTime balls. Collected data is not transmitted to the ground or shared with anyone. Only you have access which means no privacy concerns.

Without an Internet connection lets you use offline ManicTime. Has a local database
Simple Graphic Presentation of personal daily activities
When using data collected Lines timeline is presented. Three pre-defined time line:

* Activities are: active time and distance (time), idle
* Applications: Which shows will show, when, and how much
* Tags: Application used to indicate labels created. This timeline is automatically created when you enter is not filled with tags.

A timeline on the mouse every time a line indicates a hint about the basic activity. Displays an activity such as the title for detailed information about the tips, application name, start and end time and duration.

Accurate and efficient Way To Tag Time
When one of the most useful features is tagging. Simple click easily and accurately when you can choose between using drag time.For example can tag and when the time came to work for a lunch break left.

ManicTime v1.2 Changes

And more responsive user interface * Automatic update
Details activities * To see the selection, filtered by a very select group
* URL monitoring (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Chrome)
easy labeling *
* Data Folder settings
* Activity timeline are now four cases:, Away, Session Locked, Shutdown
* Watch the screen saver when the remote
* Time change may free download Active ManicTime bugs fixed now.

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